Project Title: Torch by Tokujin Yoshioka
Original Design: The Torch designed by Tokujin Yoshioka for the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics features a minimalist yet deeply symbolic form inspired by Japan's national flower, the cherry blossom. Crafted from aluminum, much of which was recycled from temporary housing used after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, the torch exemplifies sustainability and resilience. The top is designed as a cherry blossom with five petal-like sections that emit the Olympic flame, blending traditional Japanese aesthetics with contemporary design innovation. Its lightness and durability reflect Yoshioka’s mastery in integrating functionality with artistry.
Creation Year: 2019
Read This if you are Into: Olympic design, contemporary Japanese art and design, sustainability, industrial design, the integration of tradition in modern objects, and Tokujin Yoshioka's works.
Why is this important: Tokujin Yoshioka’s Torch is a powerful symbol of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, reflecting the themes of resilience, renewal, and national unity. The use of recycled materials from post-disaster recovery efforts speaks to Japan’s enduring spirit in the face of adversity, particularly following the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. The cherry blossom, a central symbol of Japanese culture, evokes both the beauty and impermanence of life, resonating with the Olympic values of hope and perseverance. Yoshioka’s torch not only represents an iconic moment in Olympic history but also showcases how contemporary design can embody deep cultural, environmental, and emotional significance.