
Project Title: Daniel Arsham Pokémon Series

Creation Year: 2020

Read This if you are Into: Contemporary sculpture, pop culture art, Pokémon, archaeology-themed art, the blending of modern and ancient aesthetics, and the work of Daniel Arsham.

Design & Significance: Daniel Arsham's Pokémon Series is significant because it bridges the gap between contemporary art and popular culture, reimagining well-known characters in a completely new context. By treating Pokémon as archaeological finds, Arsham invites viewers to think about the lasting impact of modern culture and its artifacts on future generations. His unique approach of merging the familiar with the ancient challenges the perception of time and history, encouraging viewers to consider how current cultural icons will be viewed in the distant future. This series exemplifies Arsham's broader exploration of "future relics," where he uses his art to create a dialogue about permanence, decay, and the passage of time.

